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Non-compete Agreements and Executive Employment Agreements

In today’s highly mobile business environment, protection of a client’s competitive position in the marketplace is paramount, and that position is invariably built upon goodwill, trade secrets and other proprietary information. When an executive departs a business and attempts to utilize its trade secrets and goodwill on behalf of a competitor, we understand the need to preserve those assets quickly and decisively with immediately seeking restraining orders and seeking temporary and permanent injunctions, as well as damages.

Informed by the experience of handling allegations of trade secret misappropriation, we help companies craft and rollout legally compliant non-compete and non-disclosure agreements specifically tailored to safeguard businesses against unfair competition. Additionally, we help our clients navigate through the many issues that arise when they hire an executive who has a non-compete with a previous employer, including finding solutions without litigation and strategies for putting our clients in a strong position if litigation does ensue.


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